Fever, fever every where,but not one type of fever,there are many……………………………….
"Before exams she gets fever"said my father to the Doctor.My father forgot that I get fever only during summer season due to its intense heat.When it is summer season for everyone,its fever season for me…………………………………Shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ! Yes. I don’t know how but after joining college each year I got one or other fever.First it was infection in stomach,then sinus,then malaphoid(combo pack of malaria and typhoid)and now finally it is chicken pox that lasted and lasting for more than 20 days.
But fever helped me to clear my exams.Does that sound different for everyone,Yes it should and interesting too,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Go ahead to know the goodness of fever
Once attacked by fever,toxins are widely spread to make you sluggish.Toxins are poison produced by living organisms that develop to cause fever irrespective of the period that continues. After diagnosing, the Doctors prescription and advise helps to flush away whole toxins to bring back the energy. For this diet and the home ambience also play a vital role.
I have seen many parents of sick children who have wrong notion that falling sick often is not good . That’s not true perhaps the immunity power of such affected individual raises as said by my sister who is a dentist.Therefore if, anyone is ill,be happy because after such ailment they are highly refreshed,rejuvenated,charged from their body,mind and soul.And the tremendous regained energy helps them to pass through the exams well like I underwent and undergoing.
I finally conclude that fever should be taken in a positive aspect and not in a negative sense.Happy illness……………………………………..