I was just wondering why has internet not reached villages at a larger level????????????Or it has been initiated but not successful in implementing it??????? I am trying to find out the reasons why it hasnt reached??????
For that matter I have created a poll which can be seen to your right.Kindly cast your vote and let me know if you have any suggestions...........And if there has been any successful implementation that internet has reached please throw some light on it and let the world know about it.
first of all many of the highly educated and working people do not have the idea to operate internet. first of all the people working in government sector must be given adequate practice of working or accessing the internet.
whereas in case of rural areas the term computer itself a new term. so the government must come forward in aiding the rural people by giving computer at the school level itself.
One of my friend from Alwarthirunageri has told me that during her school days they were not allowed to use computers, even though they had in their school premises by saying that they are from the rural area and they don't away awareness to utilise the computer.
so first the government should take steps in cultivating the basic computer knowledge to the rural area people.
First of all the govt. should take initiative to educate the masses, since India mosttly has villages where people are not well educated to understand the internet. However every state govt. has to take initiative to boost the same so that the jagron global village will come true.
The main reason is the availabity of service providers in areas. I can site an example of what happened to me. At the time i applied for bradband connection there were no providers. I asked for Airtel Broadband the agent said that it is not available in the area(perambur Chennai). So i had to go for BSNL with no option left for me.
Second reason is the cost is very more for internet uasge. When we compare the growth of Mobile phone and Internet usage, Internet usage should have reduced the charges so that more consumers would have added the the list. As it happened in Mobile call charges fall.
The important reason is most of the people in village are uneducated and there is no need of computer and internet too.what ever steps have be taken by govt to improve net knowledge there is no use of it until they are uneducated.
And other thing is most of the village people evennow struglling for their basic needs, in that situvation they have no time and money to got connection..so the money minded service agent could not go there....
relience broad band service had tried their service upto the rural area but there was no positive result....may be if the cost of the service have reduced as happened in mobile phones those people would be try.
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