Thursday, June 19, 2008

No Honking Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all know that in road it is those three who govern us and its our obligation to follow them.The three are Red-Amber-Green,which means ,Stop-Prepare to stop-Go, respectively.The traffic is high during peak hours.Everyone knows how to follow the rules of traffic and everything is fine when it is red i.e where all wheels stop.I am here not to inform about people who coordinate to stop but to let you all know how I lose my temper.

The degree of hardness is impeccable. I cant even explain as it raises upto its maximum. And wow the intolerable noise from all vehicles are irresistible.Oh ! Yes as soon as it is green all are set to go.But still I am outbursted because of the annoying noise made by the people with their automobile horns who are waiting behind me .I can go only when vehicles in front of me start going. Until the front vehicles move they horn continuously. Even if it is green please wait until your own way is free. Don’t ever annoy others by making such noise.I don’t understand none can be illiterate about the signals of our country. Then why people cant think that they can go only when the traffic in front of them is clear. A major problem in populous city.

I am totally frustrated and disturbed till I come out of the traffic.Please I wish everyone to act wisely while driving to adhere some courtesy so that no one becomes deaf………….Please my readers don’t do this mistake again who ever does or ask the one who does not to do.

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